Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Science of Creating Highly Shareable Infographics [Infographic]

Cool topic? Check. Compelling research? Check. Accurate data? Check, check.

When you're sitting down create an infographic, it's never a good idea to just jump in, translate all that research into bite-sized pieces one after the other, and hope people like it. Infographics don't just randomly become popular -- there's a science to it.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

As a trans woman, will Facebook censor my breasts?


I’m going to make this awkward for both of us: A few weeks ago, my nipples started to ache. They told me it would hurt, but that didn’t prepare me for the constant dull throbbing and occasional burning sensation I feel when my shirt rubs across my chest the wrong way

I’m going to sound like a masochist, but every little pain is followed by a slight smile. “I’m actually doing it,” I think. “This is actually happening.”

As a trans woman on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), I’m starting to grow breasts. Despite the pain it causes, it is exciting. I’m going to have boobs! All the changes HRT is having on my body are confirming my identity in ways I never thought possible. I’m starting to feel comfortable in my body in ways I’ve only prayed for and dreamed about. Read more...

More about Facebook, Censorship, Social Media, Women, and Lgbt

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How to Have an Ecommerce Store With Zero Inventory

Whether you want to start an ecommerce endeavor or just expand the products you offer, keeping up with inventory is a definite concern. Whether you need the space or the manpower to keep all your products within reach and accounted for at all times, the fact remains that this particular concern could shut you down before you even get started. Unless you discover the beauty of dropshipping.

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Almost Famous: The Business of Being a Celebrity Impersonator

It was dark. To my left was Captain Jack Sparrow. To my right was the Wicked Witch of the West. Then, Marilyn Monroe appeared on stage.

That's all par for the course at The Sunburst Convention, an annual conference in Orlando, Florida for professional celebrity impersonators and lookalikes. Since 2003, people have attended this conference to make connections with fellow performers, book gigs, and hone their craft.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Transform recyclables into practical items for our Vine challenge


Recycling not only benefits the environment, but it also can help you save money and breathe new life into waste.

For this week's Vine challenge, use recycled materials — paper, plastic, metal, fabric or glass — to create something useful. This theme is brought to you by Mashable and PepsiCo, as part of its sustainability microsite #HowWillWe.

Think DIY or upcycling: you can easily repurpose discarded materials into practical items like room decor or even clothing. Come up with a fun stop-motion animation, or shoot a time lapse video while transforming your scraps into gems. ​ Read more...

More about Pepsi, Recycle, Vine, Social Media, and Mashable Vine Challenge

via Social Media

The Best & Worst Subway Map Designs From Around the World

If you were to design a subway map, what would you design for: geographical precision or visual clarity? Is it better for a map to accurately represent the geography at street level, or for it to be abstract and easy-to-understand?

In 1972, Massimo Vignelli chose the latter -- visual clarity -- when he designed a map of the New York City subway system.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Don't believe that privacy hoax all over your Facebook feed


Sound the alarms: Facebook is about to start charging a monthly fee to keep your data private! It's all over your News Feed, so it must be true!

Just kidding. The social media giant, in truth, is doing nothing of the sort. But that hasn't stopped everyone from sharing statuses that warn people to post a disclaimer about privacy, pay up, or do nothing — in which case, you should expect your personal data to become public.

If you're a longtime Facebook member, you'll remember several similar hoaxes in years past — and countless others have fallen for it. A note that began circulating over the past few days urged people to get ahead of a supposed "change" that would come on Monday by copying and pasting a declaration as their Facebook status that would protect their private content from being made public. Read more...

More about Facebook, News Feed, Hoax, and Social Media

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17 of the Best WordPress Plugins for Marketers


That's the number of plugins on WordPress. With so many available, it's tough to figure out the best ones to use -- especially when you're strapped for time.

Here's the good news: We've done the work for you. Below you'll find 17 fantastic plugins every marketer using WordPress should know about.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Take Your Audience Development Inbound

It’s getting harder—much harder—for media companies to acquire engaged audiences. There are two major reasons behind this trend: there’s a lot of content floating around the Internet, and readers’ attention spans are spread thin as a result. Not to mention, audiences will often find content through feed-style engines on Facebook and Twitter or through search engines when they’re looking for information, in-the-moment.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

The Beginner's Guide to Retargeting Campaigns [Free Ebook]

For those of you who have heard of retargeting and think it's something you want to try, you're in good company. According to a study by Chango and Digiday, one in five marketers now have a dedicated budget for retargeting. 

Though it's a popular tactic for marketers, retargeting can be tough to get started with.

To help, we've teamed up with Perfect Audience to bring you a free ebook called The Beginner's Guide to Retargeting.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Facebook's new Singapore digs will give you serious office envy


SINGAPORE — We got a tour of Facebook's new office space here. The company moved to its new digs at South Beach Tower in August.

They wouldn't say how big the new premises are, but their old space occupied two floors in an office building at the central business district, and the new one is five storeys high.

Two of the floors in the new office comprise mainly sales and marketing staff, said our guide.

Facebook Vice President for Asia-Pacific Dan Neary said Facebook's Asia-Pacific user base is already its largest, but still its fastest growing, with 496 million monthly active users here. "This is not a big surprise, since we have two-thirds of the world here, and the heaviest mobile users," he said. Read more...

More about Facebook, Singapore, Asia, Social Media, and Jobs

via Social Media

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bank robbers post selfies with stolen money, are promptly arrested


One Ohio couple has been arrested for allegedly robbing a bank — and publicly flaunting their stolen cash all over the place

John Mogan, 28, had apparently just been released from jail when he walked into the Savings Bank in Ashville on Aug. 24 and supposedly slipped the teller a note demanding money, which she then handed over, according to Fox 35.

The police were tipped off when Mogan posted Facebook photos of himself and 24-year-old girlfriend Ashley Duboe posing with the alleged stolen money. Which was, you know, maybe not the greatest idea ever. Read more...

More about Social Media, Photos, Money, Watercooler, and Pics

via Social Media

Facebook goes down for the third times in 3 weeks

The 7 Excel Tricks Every Office Worker Should Know [Infographic]

Computer technology moves fast -- which is why it's so hard to believe that a computer program that's been around for 30 years is still one of the most popular programs in the world. And yet, I'm willing to bet every single one of you has had to use Microsoft Excel at some point in your life.

Nowadays, most office workers are simply expected to know basic Excel functions -- so much so that many recruiters suggest you shouldn't even bother listing it on your resume.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

From HBR to Mashable: How to Be a Guest Writer on 11 Popular Sites

Guest blogging is a wonderful and mutually beneficial relationship between writer and publication.

It's great for the writer, of course, who might be looking to get her name out there as a thought leader and industry expert while also helping grow her own readership.

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16 Call-to-Action Formulas That Make People Want to Click

Good things happen when you create killer calls-to-action. I would even argue that your website can’t be successful unless you produce great calls-to-action.

The ideal CTA, however, isn’t always easy to think of. Sometimes, you need a little nudge in the right direction.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mark Zuckerberg praises Digital India during town hall with Indian Prime Minister


MENLO PARK, Calif. — Facebook hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday for a townhall Q&A with CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The event comes on day two of the prime minister's visit to Silicon Valley, where he has met with investors and CEOs to encourage investment in his country. Speaking at Facebook's headquarters, Modi took questions on his efforts to help bring more of the country online and the need to bring more businesses to India.

During the Q&A, Zuckerberg reiterated the importance of getting more of the world online, the goal of the Facebook-backed initiative, though he avoided mentioning the program by name. The initiative, which rolled out in India last year has become a source of controversy in the country in recent months. Read more...

More about Facebook, Social Media, Tech, Dev And Design, and Dev Design

via Social Media

Pope Francis decries chasing 'likes' on social media


Pope Francis has more than 7.4 million Twitter followers on his English-language account, but that doesn't mean he's chasing more

The pope spoke on Sunday in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania against what he sees as a consumerist culture that is eroding personal relationships.

"I would dare say that at the root of so many contemporary situations is a kind of radical loneliness that so many people live in today," Francis said to an audience of American bishops at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. "Running after the latest fad, a like, accumulating followers on any of the social networks." Read more...

More about Social Media, Us World, Us, Pope Francis, and The Pope

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Pleased to Beat You: The Stories Behind 5 Epic Brand Rivalries

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

A few weeks ago, Burger King propositioned McDonald's in an effort to press pause on what it called the "burger wars" and support the International Day of Peace on September 21. 

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Saturday, September 26, 2015

12 Secret Facebook Features Every Marketer Should Be Using [Infographic]

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

Using Facebook is easy enough -- most of the 1.49 billion monthly active users on the site would agree. But the social media platform is constantly being updated with new features and tools that make using the platform as a marketing and business tool easier and more effective. 

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Friday, September 25, 2015

Facebook updates a long-ignored feature


Facebook's experimental makeover of Notes, the features that lets you write nicely-formatted long posts, was apparently a success

Now the social network is making its redesign official, Facebook revealed Friday. The refreshed version of Notes is available to everyone.

The company has largely ignored Notes for years; the last major update was in 2010 — but as Facebook increasingly builds out its publishing features for media outlets, it makes sense to encourage its 1.25 billion users to think of the social network as a place for their own blog posts as well.

More about Facebook, Social Media, Tech, Apps Software, and Apps And Software

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What kind of world do you want to see in 2030 and beyond?


Mashable's special #2030Now chat discussed how technology can change our communities and the world for the better

Over the course of an hour, @socialgood covered an array of questions, ranging from what kind of world people want to live in by 2030, to how we can ensure the social good conversation can extend beyond the 2015 Social Good Summit.

Several social good experts shared their expertise including: Aaron Sherinian, chief communications & marketing officer at the United Nations Foundation; Boaz Paldi, manager of communication partnerships & campaigns at; Matt Petronzio, Mashable's social good editor; Sarah Brown, president of Theirworld, and executive chair of the global business coalition for education; The United Nations Development Programme, an organization designed to help empower lives and build resilient nations; and The United Nations Foundation, connecting people, ideas and resources with the United Nations. Read more...

More about Google, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media, and Social Good

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7 Game-Changing Marketing Trends To Tackle in 2016

Marketing constantly adjusts and reacts to changes in technology and attitudes. While digital marketing has undergone a substantial transformation in the last few years, the technology that incited the changes is growing at a faster pace than most brands can keep up with.

So, what does this mean for competitive marketers that are already strategizing for 2016? Brands need to look beyond the usual channels to stay ahead rather than simply jump on the bandwagon. Here, we’ll discuss those trends that are changing the face of marketing (yet again) and give you an eye-opening look at what marketers should be leveraging in 2016.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

20 Display Advertising Stats That Demonstrate Digital Advertising's Evolution

When display advertising first surfaced in the world of marketing, many marketers were left with a bad taste in their mouth. The ads we were being presented with lacked context and value, and as a result, many of us were quick to deem them untrustworthy. 

At HubSpot, we held onto this notion for a while. There was just something about paying for an irrelevant banner ad that didn't sit well with us. But then things started to change ... 

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Inside BuzzFeed With Jonah Peretti: The Secrets to the Media Empire's Growth [Podcast]

When Jonah Peretti was in college, he didn't think he'd be founding and growing two of the biggest internet media empires in the world. He was an environmental studies major who took computer classes on the side -- but he was always curious about why ideas spread. 

Ten years after he graduated college, this same curiosity spurred him to build The Huffington Post and BuzzFeed, which are now regarded as some of the most popular sites on the web.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Latinos who have become social media superstars

How to Discover Open & Clickthrough Rates for Your Personal Emails [SlideShare]

Okay, friends. Who here loves email marketing data? Give us a virtual hand raise.

Yep, that's pretty much everyone. We all love watching the performance of our content -- the good and the bad. What was our open rate? Clickthrough rate? Our unsubscribe rate? These numbers help us improve our email marketing campaigns.

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

8 Personalization Trends That Are Reinventing the Buyer's Journey

If we think about offline buyer/brand relationships, customer loyalty results (in part) when a brand can form a relationship with the buyer through acts of thoughtful remembrance. For example, knowing their preferences, or making product or service recommendations according to their likes and dislikes.

One of the big challenges businesses face today is creating this same experience for buyers online. In essence, the act of doing so is what we call personalization or personalized marketing. But we’ll get to that …

via HubSpot Marketing Blog

11 ways to encourage your customers to share your content


While there isn't any one magic solution to making business content go viral, you should be doing everything you can to create the most shareable content as possible. This includes incentivizing not only your team, but also your customers, to post it on their social networks.

11 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) explain best strategies for doing so without seeming overbearing

1. Create great content

Diana Goodwin

If you create great content that resonates with your customers and also provides value to their friends and family members (such as a useful statistic, a fun video, actionable promotion, etc.), they will be much more likely to share it. People will share things that they think their network will enjoy and benefit from Read more...

More about Marketing, Content, Social Media, Yec, and Business

via Social Media

Ad Blocking is Becoming a Real Threat: Here's What Publisher's Can Do About It


Ad blocking is causing a lot of stir in the the news lately, most recently brought into the spotlight by Apple's release of iOS 9. That which has come to keep the lights on for many publishers is now seriously at risk of being taken away if ad blocking continues to scale and prevent display ads from being served to mobile users. 

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Your Blog Posts Are Boring: 9 Tips for Making Your Writing More Interesting

If you’re a boring writer, you’ve got a tough road ahead. I hate to break it to you, but in today’s content-saturated world, people don’t have time to spend on content they don't enjoy reading.

Thankfully, there are some powerful antidotes to boring content. In this article, I’m dishing up some of my favorite.

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