Monday, July 21, 2014

Hillary Clinton: Social Media Shouldn't Be Used as a 'Weapon'


Hillary Clinton has high hopes for the future of social media — but we're not there just yet

The former U.S. Secretary of State spoke at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco Monday night, capping off a day in Silicon Valley during which she also visited Facebook and Google

Clinton was interviewed on stage in front of a packed house of Twitter employees, and took time to discuss a variety of subjects, including female empowerment, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the rising costs of higher education

The former Secretary of State also laid out some lofty expectations for the future of social media, an area she hopes will mature over time. "We have a lot of people communicating, but they're not listening and they're not looking for common ground that they could occupy together," she said. "It is a fact of social media right now that too often people use it as a weapon instead of an opportunity." Read more...

More about Twitter, Hillary Clinton, Dick Costolo, Social Media, and Politics

via Social Media

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