Monday, August 31, 2015

Password Statistics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [Infographic]

When was the last time you changed your email password? Your Facebook password? How about your bank account password?

If it's been a while, you may want to take a few minutes and change 'em up. According to a survey of 2,000 people in the U.S. and the U.K., almost three-quarters of consumers use the same exact password for multiple accounts. What's more, a large number of people haven't changed that duplicate password in over five years.

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UPDATE 16 Examples of Awesome Email Marketing Campaigns

If you're reading this, you probably have an email address (or two, or three ...). In fact, you've probably been sending and receiving emails for years, and you've definitely received some questionable deliveries in your inbox. 

Whether they were unexpected, uninformative, or had a subject line tHaT wAs fOrmAtTeD liKe tHiS, we bet you didn't hesitate to direct them towards the trash, right?

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7 Things to Know Before You Run an App Install Ad Campaign

The explosive growth in mobile usage -- specifically in app usage -- has created an ultra competitive marketplace. A whopping 1.4 million apps are on both the App Store and Google Play. In such an environment, app marketers face a difficult challenge as they battle hundreds or even thousands of direct competitors for user attention.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

27 Tweetable Quotes From #INBOUND15's Most Inspiring Sales Influencers

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

Working in the marketing industry requires a lot of willpower. Between trends changing and attention spans shrinking, doing your job well is no easy feat. 

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Friday, August 28, 2015

How Advertising Makes Us Buy [Infographic]

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

According to a recent study from Microsoft, people lose concentration after eight seconds. To put that into perspective, that's one second less than the attention span of a goldfish.

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10 Tips That Can Drastically Improve Your Website's User Experience

In today’s changing marketing landscape, your website has become a more powerful tool than ever. As a 24/7 salesman, your website has the potential to be your most powerful asset and the centerpiece of your marketing efforts.

However, rapidly changing technology can make your website feel old and outdated. While sometimes a redesign might be ideal, you may not have the time or money to invest in such a large project. If you're one of the folks that falls into this boat, we have put together a list of 10 simple ways you can improve your website to make it more helpful and useful. 

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Why parents should challenge autoplay video


In nineteenth century America, parents prepared children with macabre children’s books and fairy tales. It was impossible to hide death from them.

Today, low infant mortality rates and rising life expectancy mean death is not something many children face on a daily basis. Further, parents protect children from remaining experiences of death and violence. They set TV filters, check movie and video game ratings, and set web passwords to control children’s access to graphic media

But Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and a bevy of sites are investing in a growing media tool: autoplay video. These videos automatically start rolling as users scroll through their timelines or open articles. Autoplay videos are increasingly popular across the Internet — they generate automatic video views, which can increase ad revenue Read more...

More about Video, Media, Censorship, Social Media, and Kids

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6 Science-Backed Playlists for Improving Your Productivity

When I first started at HubSpot I was welcomed with a fresh pair of orange headphones. Not to be dramatic or anything, but I was so excited you would have thought they handed me pure gold.

You might be thinking, "They're just headphones. So what?"

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13 Times We Actually Enjoyed Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Banner Ads

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lead Scoring 101: How to Use Data to Calculate a Basic Lead Score

When most people start implementing inbound marketing, they're primarily worried about getting enough new leads in the funnel. 

But once you have a lot of leads, you need to figure out who's really interested in your product and who's just starting to look around.

That's where lead scoring comes in.

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5 Reasons No One is Clicking on Your Banner Ads

If you've been noticing that you’re just not getting any click-throughs on your banner ads, you’re not alone. People have grown weary of ads that don’t speak to them or interrupt their reading activities.

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Why Negative Reviews Are Still a Big Ecommerce Win


There is no doubt that ecommerce companies need social proof to survive. Part of that proof comes from reviews, whether right there on your site or on third-party review sites like Yelp. Getting great reviews can feel like a celebration every time, while bad reviews make you question why you ever started your ecommerce business to begin with. Before you get too bogged down in the negative, let’s examine why even the worst reviews are good news for you.

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Rethink the Way You Work: An Interview With Basecamp CEO Jason Fried [Podcast]

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How to Find and Target High-Value Keywords for Your Business

Despite the ever-present advice that long-tail keywords are king, many businesses still struggle to strategically use them to get content to the top of organic and paid search results. 

The truth is, tackling these long-tail keywords feels hard when you know you're up against the giants. I know. I worked with many startups before I joined HubSpot, and scouring Google Keyword Planner every day for keywords to fuel my blog posts drove me close to insanity.

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Recreations of your favorite games in 6-second Vines


We asked you to recreate your favorite games for our latest Vine challenge, inspired by upcoming MashFlix film GTFO.

The interview-driven documentary is all about women in gaming. It was funded on Kickstarter, then debuted at SXSW earlier this year.

Below is a roundup of the #GroovyGaming Vines we saw. We're sending out movie streaming codes to those who submitted, so stay tuned!

If you're in New York City, we're hosting a screening of GTFO on the evening of Thursday, Aug. 27. Following the screening, we'll have film director Shannon Sun-Higginson and a panel to answer questions. You can RSVP by clicking here. Read more...

More about Vine, Social Media, Mashable Vine Challenge, and Mashflix

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Assemble and Grow Your Inbound Team [Free Kit]

So you've finally gotten buy-in from your boss to start implementing inbound at your company. Next up? You have to start assembling or reconstructing your team for inbound -- and with that comes a lot of things to think about.

You already know that inbound roles and responsibilities often differ from those of traditional marketing positions, but because of this, remodeling your team for inbound starts to become a little more complicated.

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Malibu's round-up of the best hashtags ever


Can you imagine a world without hashtags? We can’t. Here’s a list of our favorite ones, you’re bound to have used at least half of them...

You’ve got to love the mighty hashtag. Now a staple of our everyday social media diet, this little symbol is key to staying in conversation with the world

It’s not just limited to public posts, though. Many of us hashtag words –- sometimes even whole sentences –- on private platforms including emails, instant messages and even real-life conversations (ironically though, of course). #WeveAllDoneIt #DontPretendLikeYouHavent

So it’s official: We’re obsessed with hashtagging, and we’re really #SorryNotSorry about it. From the ones we use all the time to trending terms that have been at the heart of some of the most exciting global conversations happening via social media (to be honest, we’re amazed they didn’t #BreakTheInternet), here are our top hashtags of all time … Read more...

More about Hashtags, Social Media, Brandspeak, and Lists

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How to Create Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook

When setting up a paid Facebook ad, there are a lot of boxes to be checked. 

Are you targeting the right people? Are your image dimensions to scale? Are you running the right type of ad? If we're being honest, it can get a little confusing. 

With more than 1.4 billion people using Facebook and over 900 million visits every day, Facebook offers up a unique opportunity for marketers to augment their organic efforts. 

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15 Useful Tips for Attending an Event Alone (And Actually Enjoying It)

When you first learn you're going to a conference alone, it's exciting. You were chosen out of all of your colleagues to attend. You get to travel to a new place and stay in a nice hotel. You get the chance to meet lots of other interesting people in your field. 

... But, you've got to do it alone.

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Facebook won't promote a feminist event because of its 'profane' language


In 1975, journalist Anne Summers published a book that was to become a vital Australian feminist text: Damned Whores and God's Police. Now 40 years on, Facebook will not promote an upcoming event by the same name because the post contains "profane" language, according to the author.

In celebration of the book, which explores Australia's historical treatment of women, a high profile conference will be held in Sydney in September, with Senator Penny Wong attending. But when Summers' team tried to pay to boost the event on Facebook, it was knocked back

More about Facebook, Women, Australia, Feminism, and Social Media

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12 photos illuminated with window light


Last week's Mashable Photo Challenge was about using the light from your window to illuminate your photos in an interesting way

"I love that this theme forced people to really pay attention to their surroundings and use harsh or bright light to create these dramatic images," said Vincent Carabeo, our guest host. "It was amazing to see how creative people got."

Carabeo prefers using natural light to shoot his portraits. Often times, he takes advantage of blinds, drapes and interesting window shapes to give his photos a unique touch Read more...

More about Photography, Light, Instagram, Social Media, and Mashable Photo Challenge

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An IRL place to buy the Internet's most popular makeup


Die-hard beauty fans can now test and purchase products from their Instagram feeds in one IRL location

Ricky’s NYC, a chain beauty store with a mix of indie and established brands, opened a concept cosmetic store called “#” (pronounced "Hashtag"), which sells 20 beauty brands made famous by Instagram. The store features eclectic brands like Cocoa Brown, LASplash, Makeup Eraser and Sugar Pill.

The idea for # was developed in response to consumers who were interested in obtaining social media-famous brands outside their online community Read more...

More about Fashion, Social Media, Startups, Business, and Beauty

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28 Graphic Design Terms Every Marketer Should Know [Infographic]

"Could you take a look at the wireframe and let me know if I need to adjust the leading and the kerning so there's enough white space? Thanks!"

... Come again?

Sometimes, designer-speak can seem like gibberish.

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Facebook Introduces "Donate Now" Button For Nonprofits: 3 Tips to Make the Most of It

While a strong social following on Facebook is already an immense advantage for nonprofits, those fans are about to become even more valuable. Thanks to the introduction of Facebook's "Donate Now" button, it's easier than ever for nonprofits to turn online engagement into meaningful monetary contributions. 

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Agility in Digital Media: 6 Steps to Follow

Publishing is a traditional industry, and much of what happens on a day-to-day basis is grounded in routine. At the same time, the economics of the media landscape are changing. Price points on direct-sold ad revenues are declining, and costs per acquisition (CPAs) for new eyeballs are rising.

Change needs to happen, but it doesn’t need to happen overnight. Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when bringing change to your publishing organization.

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The Most Popular Social Logins Globally [Infographic]

Social logins give marketers the opportunity to increase conversion rates on their forms, on both landing pages and checkout pages, by decreasing the number of fields a consumer must fill out while still gathering valuable information. And social logins do more than just reduce friction on forms. They also reduce the need for comment verification, open the door for comments and reviews to appear in social feeds, and demonstrate social proof.

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10 Signs Your CEO Has an Outdated View of Marketing

We’ve all been there -- stifling a laugh or trying not to look horrified when the CEO puts forth an opinion any modern marketer would find abominable. However, it isn’t necessarily the CEO’s fault. After all, many chief executives simply don’t come from a marketing background, and even if they do, their knowledge is unlikely to be current.

Just as a non-technical CEO might put forth ideas that just aren’t technically sound, a CEO without experience in the latest digital marketing techniques will often do the same.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Tipping your server makes sexism worse, whether you intend to or not


If you have stepped anywhere near social media in the past few days, you have undoubtedly come across the viral post rightfully shaming a customer who wrote "LOL" on the tip line in lieu of an actual dollar amount.

Posts like these pop up often, with social media users lauding restaurant patrons who overtip and shaming those who leave a server with an extremely low tip — or no tip at all

Any change in expected tips is cause for excitement or panic — the fuel for these viral posts. But there’s part of the story that gets lost in the virality of it all, and it has to do with how we value the work of women Read more...

More about Social Media, Business, Social Good, Sexism, and Conversations

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The 100 Most Expensive Keywords on Google [Infographic]

Google has many different sources of revenue, but one of their most noticeable is the ads that appear next to search results for specific keywords. How much that keyword costs depends, in part, on how often people search for it -- the more people search for a certain keyword, the more expensive it is.

If you've ever wondered what the most expensive keywords on Google are, then look no further than the infographic below from WebpageFX.

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Social Media Definitions: The Ultimate Glossary of Terms You Should Know

For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice. 

(In fact, if you're highly experienced, you probably do all three at once.)

But with new social media networks and innovative software cropping up almost daily, even seasoned social media users are bound to run into a term or acronym that leaves them thinking, "WTF?"

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Designing a Website Blueprint: How to Create Your XML Sitemap

You wouldn't design a new kitchen without creating a blueprint first, would you? Similarly, you'd never want to design a website without creating a sitemap.

A sitemap is a file of code that lives on your web server and lists all of the relevant URLs that are in the structure of your website. It helps search engine web crawlers determine the structure of the site so they can crawl it more intelligently. 

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

8 Must-Try Tools for Simplifying the Way You Schedule Meetings

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

We complain about spending countless hours in unproductive and mismanaged meetings. But the greater crime is the time we all spend scheduling any type meeting.

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why Your Employees Are About to Quit (And What to Do About It)

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

Whenever someone quits their job, it can really shake up a team's dynamics. Remaining employees might find themselves scrambling to cover the extra work for weeks or months until someone new gets hired. Even then, the onboarding process can take months.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Revenue, Targeting & Distribution: Stats You Need to Know About Facebook Advertising in 2015 [Infographic]

Facebook is always experimenting with new advertising platforms to engage its user base. And it's no wonder the company is currently working hard on mobile advertising opportunities: Out of the estimated 1.39 billion current monthly Facebook users, 1.19 billion of them use Facebook on their mobile devices.

Optimizing for mobile is only one way Facebook is adapting their advertising platform to help businesses target today's consumer.

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design

We can all agree that, in most cases, there's more than one way of doing something.

For example, some people default to the "loop, swoop, and pull" method when they tie their shoes, while others swear by the "bunny ears" technique. Either way you swing it, your shoes get tied, right?

Trouble is, in some areas of life, different approaches don't always return the same results.

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Don't Make Them Wait: How to Reduce Page Weight on Your Website

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